Rigby Group sponsors RAF 100 centenary celebration events across the UK
With much publicity and recognition of RAF 100 and its national celebration programme, there was little recognition given to the regions including the Midlands, East Anglia, South Coast and the South West, who have contributed much to the RAF over many years.
With this in mind, Rigby Group Chairman and Chief Executive, Sir Peter Rigby, organised the private initiative, funded by Rigby Group’s charitable trust, to recognise the relationship and involvement that airfields in Coventry, Exeter, Norwich and Bournemouth, who have associations which go back in most of these cases to the early days of the Air Force.
The spectacular three-day events, three of which have taken place, with the Bournemouth Airport event due to happen in August, all feature a stunning showcase of iconic, historic memorabilia, including a static BAE Systems Hawk, RAF exhibits, interactive displays and VIP receptions, with specially organised flypasts by aircraft including a Spitfire at Exeter Airport.
Sir Peter Rigby said: “We have organised these RAF 100 celebrations to reflect the professionalism and capabilities of today’s Royal Air Force to provide a platform to discuss its current role and its important future place in serving and protecting our nation.
“This is a time of commemoration and celebration as well as showcasing the opportunities available in the modern RAF to inspire young people to join the service to realise their potential from the world-class training and opportunities which are available.”
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