Regional & City Airports (RCA) is a leading UK regional airport operator, led by a team with proven commercial and operational expertise in both the airport and airline sectors. RCA owns Bournemouth Airport, Coventry Airport, Exeter Airport and Norwich Airport, and operates Solent Airport Daedalus on behalf of Fareham Borough Council.
RCA also operates XLR Executive Jet Centres (XLR), the renowned boutique FBO business. XLR has centres at Birmingham, Bournemouth, Exeter and Liverpool airports.
Our vision is to help smaller regional airports to prosper through effective management and collaboration, enabling them to benefit from the economies of scale and sharing of best practice traditionally enjoyed by larger hub airports.
RCA has built an enviable reputation as an efficient, safe and commercial airport operator, driving improvements to route development, commercial revenues, operating costs and capital investment to deliver a consistently sound commercial return. As we grow, we are increasingly able to leverage significant buying power and shared expertise.